The town of Kfarmatta played a pivotal role in hosting Lebanese individuals displaced from their homes in Beirut’s southern suburbs, the Bekaa Valley, and southern Lebanon. This significant influx of displaced persons required a swift and coordinated response to ensure their basic needs for shelter, food, and healthcare were met. Despite its small size, Kfarmatta’s municipality managed to organize its efforts and coordinate with local committees in the village to provide necessary support.
The municipality of Kfarmatta quickly mobilized its efforts, working in collaboration with the "Kfarmatta Gathering Committee" and local associations to provide shelter and care for internally displaced persons. Special reception centers were prepared, temporary housing arrangements were secured, and in-kind assistance, such as food and medical supplies, was distributed. The residents of Kfarmatta demonstrated exceptional solidarity, reaffirming that social cohesion is the true strength communities rely on to face crises like these.
Kfarmatta’s experience reflects profound humanitarian dimensions, showcasing that the size of available resources is not the primary factor in overcoming crises, but rather the collective will and human values that bind individuals together. The role played by Kfarmatta highlights the importance of social solidarity in Lebanon and proves that united communities can build bridges of hope even in the most challenging times.